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Coach Basics: Emerald Phase
Quote of the Day:

“The starting point of all achievement is desire.” –Napoleon 

Welcome to the next phase of your Coach Basics training! Congratulations on your progress! 

This phase is called the Emerald phase. Our goal here is to help you reach the next growth milestone in your business: enrolling your first two Coaches and achieving the rank of Emerald and reach the status of Team Builder. 

Up to this point, we’ve focused on helping you find customers from your friends and family. A key step in expanding the number of people you impact is by finding others interested in coaching. Plus, when you start to have a team of Coaches working together, it's just much more fun!

I know this concept of "rank advancement" and climbing the Leadership Ladder can be new, so watch this quick video that explains the concept. "How to Rank Advance" video 

In this phase of your training, here is what I’m going to ask of you:
  1. Be Consistent: Start setting aside at least an hour a day where you just focus on your coaching business. Getting in the habit of daily activity is critical for your success. Commit to doing this for 30 days and you’ll see the results.
  2. Keep it simple: Always remember that the most important thing you do as a Coach is connecting with people and helping them with their health and fitness goals. Success comes through adding value to the lives of others in this way, so don't overthink it—just connect and help people and the rest will follow.
  3. Trust the process: Don’t feel like you need to reinvent the wheel and don’t get impatient. The things I’m going to share with you here have been proven to help Coaches in the stage you’re in right now. Trust the process to work for you!
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