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 EMERALD PHASE POST 15: Keeping Your “Why” Present in Your Life
 Quote of the Day:

“Having a purpose and knowing exactly what your values are will add additional years to your life.” –Dan Buettner 

So, now what? Now, you keep on going! Successful Coaches learn that consistency is one of the most important things for their coaching business. What we do as Coaches isn't easy, but it's also not complicated. Don't get bored with the basics we've been discussing here, keep working on them and get better at them and you'll see more success as a Team Beachbody Coach.

There are so many people who need your help. Think of
how far you've come since you began! You're now better prepared, and you'll continue to improve and see success with your business as you continue.

Stay Focused on Your “WHY”
With all of the skills and strategies you're learning, don't forget that the most important thing you have in your coaching business is your "why."

Find a way to keep your "why" present in your life. Maybe it's a note on your bathroom mirror or something taped to your refrigerator. Maybe it's creating a dream board you hang near your desk, or a bracelet you wear on your wrist. It doesn't matter what it is as long as when you see it, it reminds you of your "why." 

I want you to watch this video, featuring Steve Jobs, and think about how it applies to you and your coaching business. 

As a graduate of this Coach Basics training program, make sure you go print out your Coach Basics certificate and post a pic of you with it using the hashtag #TBBCoachGrad!Laura!

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