LAUNCH PHASE I POST 3: Build Your Story
Quote of the Day:
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
–Maya Angelou
Today, let's start working on building your own Beachbody story. This is what you'll share with your contacts as you invite them to our upcoming Challenge Group.
Great storytelling follows a formula, and you can spot this pattern in many of your favorite books and movies because it works. You do not have to have a big Success Story or transformation to be a successful Coach. Just be you and people will relate to your experiences and story.
Here are a few simple steps to follow to write your personal story:
- Find the right starting point: Don't begin with your childhood or your parents, but start with the obstacle that was keeping you miserable, numb, or stuck in a rut instead of describing your full past in chronological order.
- Defining moment: What was the reversal of fortune, the major whirlwind that made you stop and rethink change? What was the climactic turning point that you felt was the end and you weren't going to recover from it?
- Cross the threshold: Describe the initial reaction you had when your Coach first mentioned the opportunity. Were you surprised, flattered, or skeptical? Then take your audience into the Beachbody world as you describe how your Upline Coach brought you into coaching.
Now that you have your story, repeat it several times so it becomes natural and authentic. Soon, you'll be able to tell it quickly like an elevator pitch or a 10-second read.
Here is an example of a story to illustrate how simple it needs to be:
"I was drawn to Beachbody because I needed to lose 20 pounds and a friend invited me to try the 21 Day Fix with her. I was convinced I made the right choice because the program was amazing and the accountability and support of a Challenge Group led to great results I could never get in a gym. I now want to help as many people as I can experience the same or similar results with one of our programs. I am also starting to see how being a Team Beachbody Coach can give me greater financial freedom for my family and it makes it much easier to pay for baseball uniforms and dance lessons."
Remember, you can't make a mistake because it is YOUR storyand it will be different from everyone else's.
The craft of storytelling is important not only for your story, but for talking about your customers' Success Stories and for creating content.
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