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Inviting Note


NERVES are NORMAL!!! heart emoticon
BUT, I saw a lot of you saying you were worried about ANNOYING people... LET ME ASK YOU THIS: Did MY post about this group ANNOY any of you??? --- OR --- DID IT INSPIRE YOU to want to KNOW MORE?!
There are [many] people out there who are exactly where YOU were before you found this group. We are not looking for EVERYONE to want to join, we are simply looking for those couple of people who are LIKE YOU: Made for MORE, ready for CHANGE, and excited to be committed to something that will better their life!
I am not worried about whether or not people join you this go around! --- Do you think the first time a company runs a commercial people rush to the stores? NOPE! They put it out there over and over again, in different versions, sharing the value of their product to the market it is intended for --- and those people see it enough and become curious because THEY HAVE A NEED FOR A SOLUTION THAT PRODUCT SAYS IT PROVIDES... and if it worked, it SURE WOULD BE NICE!!!
& then, let's say "ABBY" breaks down and BUYS the product --- SHE LOVES IT and shares on social media... "BETH" who is friends with "ABBY" had also seen that commercial and was considering buying the product, but wasn't sure it was legit... now that she sees "ABBY" loves it, she is convinced and goes and buys it herself! & this continues to spread... until BAM, that consistent marketing pays off!!! heart emoticon 
THAT is how our business works as well --- except, YOU get to be "ABBY" and just share {from your heart} how you feel about the products (Not JUST the actual BB products, but being a part of this tribe of women, empowering one another!) 
I mean, can you think of any of your friends who could benefit from a group like this where they can be encouraged to become a better version of themselves and connect daily with like-minded women? I know I CAN!!! Wouldn't it be cool to be the person that shares this with them and that a month from now, you see them glowing because they have changed for the better and are a more confident, positive version of themselves?! THAT is what we get to DO! THAT is our JOB! <--- Honestly, I still pinch myself daily that I get to make a living doing such a thing!!!
OKAY --- So, back to inviting. YOU are NOT SELLING, PUSHING PRODUCTS, MAKING A QUICK BUCK... You are SHARING something that is bettering your life, making you stronger, & helping you to stay on track. You are providing a SOLUTION to problems SO many struggle to find answers to & you are having them make an investment in themselves & in return you are investing YOUR TIME (which you cannot get back) into helping them make this a life-changing journey! 
THAT is what I call: BEING A BLESSING. Don't hold back for fear you might have someone say no --- PUSH FORWARD knowing there is someone who is needing someone JUST LIKE YOU to help them unlock their potential! 
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