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How many potential customers or Coaches are you leaving on the table by not following up with them? How do you feel when someone tells you they are going to call or message you and then you don’t hear from them? It makes you think they really weren’t that interested in you to begin with. Are you sending that same message? Do you hesitate because you are not sure what to say? A simple approach that can help you with this is to always be prepared with something to invite your prospect to. For example, if you are reaching out to a potential customer, be sure to have the start date of your next Challenge Group in front of you so you can extend the invitation. If you are speaking to a potential new Coach, be prepared to invite them to the next Coaching Opportunity Event that is planned. Today is a perfect day to make those follow-up calls and invite them to your next event. Before you make the call be sure to have all the information in front of you so you are confident and organized when you speak with them. Don’t forget this important step—ASK FOR REFERRALS! If someone says YES to your Challenge Group or the Coaching Opportunity Event —ask them to “bring” a friend or two along with them. Most prospects will have no idea that they are allowed to do this unless you tell them, yet most can think of someone they would like to invite. 

Today you are to reach out to as many recent contacts as you can to follow up with them and invite them to a Challenge Group or the upcoming Coaching Opportunity Event. 
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