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Your success is directly related to the degree in which you are willing to work to find others like yourself who are committed to succeed. In order to do that you need to embrace the power of consistency and be willing to embrace failure as necessary to move you along on your journey. For example, you might post on social media and get very little response. Do you let that discourage you? Do you give up and think that no one is interested? Are you willing to hear a 100 no’s in order to get 5 business- building Coaches like yourself on your Team? Maybe your odds will be better than that, but you will never know if you give up. You now talk to people for a living, and not everyone wants to be part of the conversation. So, the more people you talk to, the faster you will grow, and the farther you will go in your business. It’s all about finding those people who want what you have to offer. Stay consistent and don’t get discouraged—you are just working through your odds! 

How many no’s did you get this week?
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